Spawned With Kristen And Liz Of Coolmompicks

Ep 20 Thank you for the lovely brass knuckles



Kristen and Liz talk thank you note etiquette because wow, our Facebook fans have strong feelings about this one! Are we all doing it wrong? Will a text message thank you or an email blacklist you from parties forever? And what's with those weird thank you notes for baby gifts "from the baby?" We're also confessing all our Halloween candy sins that we hope our kids never discover. And as always, we've got our cool picks of the week, including one of the funniest yet. Especially if you like seventh grade humor. Which we absolutely do. We sure to subscribe to Spawned so you don't miss an episode! And if you've got a comment, a question, or you're just feeling a little lonely today and want to say hi, we'd love to hear from you: Tweet Kristen + Liz @coolmompicks using hashtag #spawnedshow, find us on Facebook, or email us at We'll even write you back. Pinky swear. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit