Andrew Farley

Forever in His Presence – Part 2



Discussion Questions: Which verses in today’s message prove that light here means salvation, not a temporary state of “fellowship”? Why is this important? How does it help us understand 1 John 1:9 even better? How does 1 John 2:12 help solidify that 1 John 1:9 is addressing the sin denier who says they have no sin and is in the darkness (unsaved)? 1 John 1:9 is written to someone who does not have the truth in them. How does 1 John 2:4 further define this person as being an unbeliever? What does John say to older believers and younger believers in verses 13 and 14? Why the different messages to different audiences? What is the “commandment” that John keeps referring to in this passage? What evidence do we see in this passage for this conclusion? What is the biggest takeaway from today’s message for you? Why?