No Limits With Rebecca Jarvis

#116: Angie Mar: How to reinvent



Angie Mar is the executive chef and owner of The Beatrice Inn. But her path to the culinary industry wasn’t so clear cut. At the age of 18, Mar entered corporate America with one goal: to make money. After nine years working in corporate real estate, she decided it was time for a change of scene and took some time to travel and find that next step. While in Spain, Mar discovered her love for cooking, and would later go on to purchase a piece of New York history, The Beatrice Inn, transforming it into her very own chophouse. On this episode, she discusses how she made the transition from real estate to cooking, making the decision to do a complete career 180, learning to stay true to her vision, how she came to buy The Beatrice Inn and the lifestyle it takes to make it work. Congratulations to our No Limits Entrepreneur of the Week: Courtney Bell, Founder and President of Ungraded Produce Find out more: Want to be a featured NLEOTW? Know someone who should? Send your nominations to