The Essential Oil Revolution | Essential Oils, Aromatherapy, And Healthy Living By Samantha Lee Wright |powered By Revolution

414: The Overlooked Vital Organ: Holistic Kidney Health with Dr. Jenna Henderson, ND



What You Will Learn: An Introduction and overview of kidney functions (1 min) Dr. Jenna Henderson’s Bio (2 min) Dr. Henderson’s journey relating to her own diagnose of chronic kidney disease (5 min) What is dialysis? (11.30 min) The kidneys’ capacities to heal (16.30 min) The number one reason that people go into kidney failure that is not a “kidney disease” (17 min) The second leading cause of kidney failure that is not a “kidney disease” (18 min) Why we have to consider heart health when we think about the kidneys (21.30 min) Some common kidney disorders Dr. Henderson works with (21.45 min) The staging of kidney disease (23.30 min) The reason chronic kidney disease is a “silent killer” (26 min) Where to start if your numbers on labs indicate a kidney issue (29.30 min) At what age our kidney cells begin to break down (31 min) Some common symptoms that could indicate kidney compromise (33 min) The difference between iron-deficiency anemia and renal anemia (35 min) How to support the kidneys fo