The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

559 The Creativity Process When Leading In Japan



The era of the boss who had done all the tasks in the section and was the main expert on the business has well and truly passed.  Today, it is more of a team effort and there are a lot more specialisations required than in the past.  Collaboration is the key to creativity by grouping all the brain power in one place and unleashing it to solve the problem. To my surprise, very few firms have any clear methodology on how to unleash the creative ideas of the team.  So far, I have done over 200 interviews with CEOs here in Japan for my podcast “Japan’s Top Business Interviews”. I ask them all about their house methodology to harvest the ideas of their teams, and I am struggling to recall anyone who could answer that question well.  Here are some things to think about to create your own house brand on idea development and creativity. Step One: Begin with the end in mind. What is it you want to achieve with this exercise?  We are going to tie up the valuable time of a lot of key people, so the end must justify the