The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

560 The Big Badness Of Baidu’s EQ



Founded in 2000, Baidu has 39,800 employees and is one of the largest global AI and internet companies.  Based in China, its major success has been its search engine business.  Its quarterly revenues ending June 2024 were $4.67 billion, so it is a substantial company.  The Head of Public Relations and Vice-President, Ms. Qu Jing, posted a video on social media demeaning Baidu staff, telling them she “can make you jobless in this industry”.  She told staff she demanded they must be dedicated enough to travel by her side for 50 days straight and she doesn’t care about the impact on their families and personal lives, noting, “I’m not your Mum”.  Her mantra to the staff was “I only care about results”. She was proud to say she was so devoted to Baidu, that she didn’t know what school year her son was in.  She publicly posted her video outlining her leadership philosophy as an example to her PR team of how to use social media to promote Baidu!  Her professional skills in PR seem dubious to me. Also, her EQ or “emo