Devon Dice Presents

126 Devon Dice Podcast, May board game News Show



Joel and Nick bring you a long overdue podcast with sad news, controversial news, and outstanding news, plus Crowdfunding projects, played games, and a little rant from Joel. Episode 126 Sorry for the massive gap between podcasts. New podcast feed host Joel and Claire’s trip to London and Draughts board game café Tucana Builders News Meeples Corner, the lovely FLGS in Crediton, is to close at the end of the month. Wonders of the First, a CCG on Kickstarter using all-AI-art, is made to cancel (by Kickstarter themselves) because of using NFTs. Controversy hits the game Puerto Rico yet again, as Jason Perez, who rethemed the game for its “1897” release to remove cultural insensitivity, has now rejected his 1897 version entirely due to how the publisher(s) – including Awaken Realms who teased a new Deluxe Edition recently but immediately got in trouble for using AI art in the teaser artwork – have treated him. Castles of Burgundy Special Edition makes £2.1m on its 2nd printing on Gamefound, with