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Palm Beach Bots and the evolution of combat robotics @ CES 2024



Accessible kits for combat robots are transforming how individuals interact with the field of robotics. These kits, developed by Palm Beach Bots, are simplifying the process for individuals to construct and participate in combat robot events. Moreover, they are being utilized in educational environments to impart valuable skills in CAD design and 3D printing to students.Accessible kits for combat robotsThe journey to create these accessible kits was driven by a passion for combat robotics and a vision to make the hobby more accessible to the public. Recognizing that traditional 250-pound robots, often seen on TV shows like BattleBots, were not practical for weekend events, the focus shifted towards developing kits for smaller, more manageable robots weighing between one and three pounds. These kits, known as Antweight and Beetleweight robots, enable individuals to participate in combat robot events without the need for large enclosures or specialized equipment.His interest in the sport was sparked when he wat