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Livtab's new releases: Ergonomic chairs to smart desks @ CES 2024



The Livtab company has introduced a versatile, innovative, all-in-one gaming desk that improves the way gamers interact with their gaming setups. The product, designed for gamers and digital nomads, offers a range of features that enhance efficiency, convenience, and overall gaming experience.Versatile, innovative, all-in-one gaming deskThe highest-profile product in the lineup is the all-new Cyber One gaming desk. One of the standout features of the gaming desk is its all-in-one design, which eliminates the need for multiple cables and accessories cluttering up the workspace. With just one cable, users can connect their computer, cooling coaster, wireless charger, and other devices seamlessly. This streamlined setup not only reduces clutter but also enhances accessibility and ease of use.The Cyber One also includes a range of practical features that cater to the needs of gamers of all types. For example, the cooling coaster can keep drinks cold or warm, providing a convenient solution for gamers who spend lo