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The art of relaxation: Human Touch's Super Novo X chair @ CES 2024



Massage chairs are gaining popularity as a convenient and effective solution for daily relief from aches and pains. These chairs offer a way to relax and unwind after a long day, eliminating the need for a professional massage therapist. A leading example of this technology is the Super Novo X, a top-of-the-line massage chair from Human Touch, designed to provide a comprehensive full-body massage experience.Massage chair provides daily reliefThe Super Novo X boasts a dual robot system, a key feature that allows for a personalized massage experience. The chair also incorporates a flex stretch function that aids in relieving tension in the shoulders and back, promoting relaxation and improved flexibility. The chair is equipped with an app that enables users to control the settings and customize their massage experience. Human Touch plans to introduce voice control functionality in the future, simplifying the process for users to adjust the intensity of their massage without manual operation.One of the really in