Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris

Pros and Cons of Adding Sponsors to Your Podcast as a Business Owner



Share your thoughts with Stacey - Click here to send her a text directly.Small business owners using their podcast to generate, educate, and convert right fit clients often consider their show, self sponsored. This is precisely how I see our show. Uncommonly More sponsors this show, that allows me to be use the CTAs to promote things like The Podcasting for Profitability Roundtable or our Podcast Strategy Intensives.But does my business need to be the ONLY sponsor for my podcast? Maybe not.Podcasters often thing sponsorships can be a cash cow, but hold your horses—there's a fine line between being resourceful and turning your podcast into an ad fest. That’s why we’re digging deep the pros and cons of adding third-party sponsors to your small business podcast.In this episode of The More Profitable Podcast, we’re taking a no BS approach to podcast sponsorships for service-based businesses because there is never ONE right answer, or ONE right way, only you know what’s best for your podcast and your business