

Are you gearing up to hit essential financial milestones by age 50? It's not just about getting there; it's about paving a clear path to secure your future!In today’s episode, I dive deep into the nine financial goals you should achieve by the time you turn 50. From understanding the importance of liquidity and eliminating destructive debt to establishing a robust protection plan with insurances and wills, I cover the crucial steps to ensure you're on track for financial freedom. I also share insights on why aligning your family with your financial goals is vital and the significance of instilling the right values over merely accumulating assets.Ready to assess where you stand and adjust your sails towards a more secure future? Tune in to the full episode now!IN TODAY’S EPISODE, I DISCUSS: The necessity of building an emergency fund that covers 9-18 months of expensesStrategies to tackle and eliminate both destructive and productive debt by age 50Creating a protective shield with the right insu