Atenea Americana - By Stanford Hispanic Broadcasting

San Francisco Carnaval and Dr. Rigoberta Menchu Tum



Today, we conversation with Rodrigo Duran, the Executive Director of Carnaval San Francisco. Rodrigo Ehecatl Durán, a proud San Franciscan and the son of Mexican immigrants, and he had work for years to BIPOC cultures in the city. Armed with a Bachelor’s in Communications from UC San Diego and a Master’s in Public Administration from San Francisco State University, with a focus on Nonprofit Management, Rodrigo leads the charge in making Carnaval San Francisco the biggest and most vibrant multicultural bash in California. He is also a Commissioner for the city for the Human Rights Commission , one of 11 appointed by the Mayor to represent the diverse human rights interests of the City of San Francisco. Carnaval San Francisco isn’t just big community party; it’s about honoring the rich tapestry of Latinx, Caribbean, and African Diaspora cultures that make San Francisco sparkle. Through dance, music, art, and community education, they create spaces where diversity isn’t just celebrated—it’s cherished. It started