Better System Trader

099: Where to focus for top trading performance



When I was learning to snowboard, I still remember the first time I got off the lift chair, strapped myself in the board and looked down the mountain. It was really overwhelming and I wondered how I was actually going to get down there without any injuries! My instructor was very comforting telling us ‘Not to focus on the bottom of the mountain’, because even though that’s the destination, to get there we were actually going to zig-zag down the mountain. So we needed to focus on the next turn and how we were going to execute that. We were told to look where we wanted to go, so if you want to go left then look left, your shoulder/hips will turn, your body weight will shift on the board and that will steer the board. And as you’re moving across the mountain you obviously want to look for hazards, look for where you want to turn and focus on shifting your body weight to steer the board around the corner It was all about the process. By focusing on the process, the outcome would eventually come. That is you'd wor