Muscle for Life

Dr. Stephan Guyenet on Outsmarting Obesity



Why are obesity rates skyrocketing in the modern world? Do we simply lack willpower, or are deeper forces at play? In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Stephan Guyenet, a renowned obesity researcher, science communicator, and author of the book The Hungry Brain.  With his expertise in neuroscience and eating behavior, Dr. Guyenet sheds light on the complex mechanisms behind our body's drive to store fat and the challenges we face in our modern food environment. Luckily, it's not all doom and gloom. Stephan also shares evidence-based strategies to outsmart our hungry brains and maintain a healthy body composition for life. In this interview, you’ll learn . . . The brain's central role in body fatness, the influence of genetics on obesity risk, and the mismatch between our evolutionary wiring and today's food landscape Why our body's weight-regulating countermeasures often fail to protect against gradual weight gain The impact of stress and emotional eating on weight management The &quo