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O3 Technologies brings technology to cleaning technology @ CES 2024



Innovative cleaning solutions are constantly evolving to meet the needs of consumers in a fast-paced world. One such solution is the OxiBox, a disinfection device created by O3 Technologies that uses ozone gas to effectively kill germs on soft items like shoes, backpacks, and toys. This chemical-free method has been tested and proven to be over 99.8% effective in killing live COVID-19 virus particles.OxiBox: Disinfect, deodorize, protectThe OxiBox is a groundbreaking product that provides a comprehensive solution to cleaning and disinfecting everyday items. Initially designed for the disinfection of live viruses, the OxiBox has broadened its scope to include deodorization and protection against harmful bacteria and germs. This versatile product is capable of cleaning a wide range of items, from sports equipment like hockey gear to everyday items like shoes and children's backpacks that frequently come into contact with unclean surfaces.The importance of maintaining cleanliness in our daily lives is essential,