Learning Chinese Through Stories

1.3.23B 故事解读《塞翁失马,焉知非福》



(边)塞 (biān) sài,noun, frontier fortress 翁 wēng,noun, old man 失(去)shī (qù),verb, to lose 焉 yān,adv, how? 福 fú, noun, blessing 穷 qióng,adj, poor 独子 dúzǐ,noun, the only son 匹 pǐ,measureword for horse and cloth 心爱 xīn'ài,adj, beloved 逃 táo,verb, to escape 马厩 mǎjiù,noun, stables 附近 fùjìn, noun, nearby places 山麓 shānlù, noun phrase, the foot of a mountain 邻人 lín rén,noun, neighbor(s) 同情 tóngqíng,verb, to sympathize 不幸 búxìng,adj, unfortunate 纷纷 fēnfēn,adv, one after another 安慰 ānwèi,verb, to comfort 却 què,but (always follows the subject) 果然 guǒrán, conjunction, as expected; sure enough 同时 tóngshí,conjunction, at the same time 野 yě,adj, wild 镇 zhèn,noun, town 恭喜 gōngxǐ,verb, to congratulate 运气 yùnqì,noun, luck 犹 yóu,adv, still 不小心 bù xiǎoxīn,adv, by accident 摔 shuāi, verb, to fall 竟(然)jìng (rán), adv, unexpectedly 跌 diē, verb, to fall 断 duàn, verb, to broke into half 瘸子 quézi,noun, cripple 意外 yìwài,noun, accident 跛子 bǒzi,noun, cripple 事隔不久 shì gé bùjiǔ,soon afterwards 征召 zhēngzhào,verb, to recruit 健壮 jiànzhuàng,adj