Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show

No More Boy Scouts; EVIL IS EVIL; Women in Construction; A Mother's Jealousy | JLP SHOW (5/8/24)



TOPIC: (5/8/24), WED, No more Boy Scouts, women in construction Boy Scouts of America change its name to "Scouting America," women in Maine's construction industry, Jealousy of the Mother, SOPHIE TX: "comment on Boy Scouts changing its name", SHANE CA: "situation with my wife's anger", HAKE NEWS Caller: "question about overcoming momma" JOHN VA: "question about overcoming momma", CHRISTOPHER IOWA: "ban the 19th amendment", SUPERCHATS, RUDY TX: "how to introduce God to kids?", ALEX MONTANA: "biblical question", HAKE NEWS Caller: "what I've done wrong in relationships" ARTHUR CO: "what I've done wrong in relationships", Hake and Joel on Satanism, JOE CANADA: "my experience listening to JLP", SUPERCHATS