Aspen Chapel: A Spiritual Home For Everyone

Peace in our time?



 The idea of ‘Peace in our Time’ has become synonymous with the failure to achieve it. The image of Neville Chamberlain waving a piece of paper signed by Adolph Hitler has gone down in history as both a humiliation and a warning against appeasement. And yet surely ‘Peace in our time’ is our goal. Our goal is to be able to look back on war in the same way that we now look back on slavery. With an understanding that it was wrong, that there are still instances of it today. But for most of us the arguments for or against it have been confined to the dustbin of history. That is how we should be looking at war. And yet here we are today with over 30 armed conflicts between nations going on around the world. And people thinking that it is OK to send missiles and bombs halfway around the world to settle scores. There has to be a better way. And what can we do to stop it? Support the Show.