Good Shepherd Community Church

Peter the Confessor of Jesus



The Apostle Peter is the great example of a true confessor of Jesus Christ. In Matthew 16-16, in answer to Jesus' question to his disciples as to who people were saying he was, Peter declared, -You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.- -On another occasion in John 6, after many of the followers of Jesus were deserting him, Jesus asked his disciples if they, too, would leave him. Peter answered, -Lord, to whom shall be go-- You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and come to know that you are the Holy One of God- -John 6-69-.-This bold declaration and confession of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, marked Peter's preaching as he led the early church in the same confession of Jesus . -Peter's untiring confession of the Lordship of Christ led to his own martyrdom. Likewise many true confessors of Jesus are suffering for their loyalty to declare the truth today. -In a world in desperate need of hearing the Gospel, may we likewise not be hesitant to declare and confess that -Jesus is the