Total Wellness Empowerment With Nancy Guberti

How Emotions Affect Your Organs



What goes on in your mind has a profound effect on your body. Thoughts and emotions affect all organs, including the immune, nervous, hormonal, circulatory, and reproductive systems. Emotional wellness is a vital part of your health & total wellness. When our emotions become excessive or repressed for a long time, they negatively impact the energy flow through our meridians. Your Heart and Your Emotions The heart pumps blood to nourish the cells but can get weakened due to anxiety and stress. Anxiety can affect the heart’s normal functioning, raising your blood pressure and white blood cell count and increasing blood sugar through the action of adrenalin. Stress affects circulation, the heart, and the nervous system. In early Western medicine, doctors already believed emotions caused diseases. A powerful mind-body connection through which emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and behavioral factors can directly affect our health. Living with fear often leads to depression and negatively impacts health. Le