Franklin (MA) Matters

FM #1183 - Empty Bowls 2024: working with clay & words - 04/23/24



This session of the radio show shares my conversation with Brenna Johnson, Franklin High School art/ceramics teacher and Empty Bowls (EB) coordinator. We met to record in the ceramics room at FHS on Tuesday, April 23, 2024. The FHS EBers introduce themselves as we go around the table: Kira Magliari, Senior, EB Social Media, continuing a family tradition of participating in Empty Bowls, has made a Silent Auction piece, helped make the Jeff Roy Project this yearAllie Maccalous, Senior, EB President, in AP3D Ceramics this year, assists in running Empty Bowls administratively each week, has made several Silent Auction pieces over the years, helped with the Jeff Roy Project this yearBridget Kennedy, Senior, EB Secretary, in AP3D Ceramics & Independent Study in Ceramics this year, has made several Silent Auction piecesThe conversation runs about 35 minutes. Let’s listen to my conversation with the FHS Empty Bowls Club leadership team--------------Tickets for Empty Bowls -> https://interland3.donorp