Xayli Barclay

Reclaiming Identity Through Video Storytelling: Tips and Strategies



In today’s episode, XayLi is diving deep into the conversation of how to stand out in your industry. We are in a time where people don’t want generic graphics they want to see and get to know YOU, the person behind the business/brand. XayLi shares unique insights into embracing who you are & having the confidence to be visible in your industry. What We Discuss in This Episode: Explore the overwhelming trend of sameness in the online space and discover why it’s important to share your unique stories & experiences into your personal brand to stand out. I share insights from my own experiences, transitioning from a beauty blogger to a camera confidence coach, and how I learned to maintain my unique voice amid these changes. Tips on how to avoid watering down your personal style and energy, even when you’re afraid to be visible. An introduction to a four-part framework designed to help you showcase your personality and expertise seamlessly in your content, ensuring you go from invisible to in-dem