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Owl AI: The future of nighttime pedestrian safety in cars @ CES 2024



Night vision safety systems for cars are becoming increasingly important as pedestrian fatalities continue to rise, especially at night. In the United States, there has been a significant increase in pedestrian deaths over the last decade, with 2022 being the most dangerous year in 41 years. The majority of these fatalities occur at night, with almost 100% of the increase in deaths happening during nighttime. To address this problem, companies like Owl AI have developed night vision safety systems for cars.Night vision safety system for carsThis night vision system from Own AI uses thermal infrared technology coupled with artificial intelligence to detect people, animals, and cars in zero light conditions. By being able to see for hundreds of meters in complete darkness, these systems can help prevent accidents and save lives.Owl AI has already conducted tests to demonstrate the effectiveness of its night vision safety system. By using their high-resolution thermal camera and advanced artificial intelligence