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The future of tech at CES 2024: AI, digital health, and a lot more



CES (formerly the Consumer Electronics Show) is a leading event that presents pioneering technology solutions that are shaping the future. CES is more than just a trade show; it is a platform where revolutionary technology is revealed, demonstrating the boundless potential of what technology can accomplish.A significant aspect of CES is its commitment to accessibility and inclusivity. Technology is being developed to assist individuals with various disabilities, aiming to simplify their lives and enhance their quality of life. From products that augment mobility to those that boost sexual health, CES serves as a hub for state-of-the-art solutions that cater to a diverse array of needs.Furthermore, the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), the organization that orchestrates CES, works tirelessly throughout the year. With a team of over 200 employees, the CTA conducts market research, advocates for pro-innovation tech policies, and develops technology standards that ensure interoperability and convenience for