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Meet Robin the Robot: LEOBOTICS' big robotic innovations @ CES 2024



The innovative robotic concept store in France from LEOBOTICS is revolutionizing the way people interact with and purchase robots. Founded by Léo-Pol Watrin, this unique store offers a wide range of robots for sale, as well as expert advice and live demonstrations for customers.Innovative robotic concept store in FranceOne of the key features of LEOBOTICS' store is its focus on providing a personalized and interactive shopping experience for customers. Visitors to the store can not only browse and purchase robots but also receive guidance on which robot best suits their needs. The store offers live demonstrations of various robots, allowing customers to see the robots in action before making a purchase.The company's founder, who started the business in France three years ago and opened the shop two years ago, has seen significant growth in a short amount of time. Starting out as a one-person operation, LEOBOTICS now has a team of four people and has recently launched a franchise. The company is actively seeki