Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

Ménage à How Many? - Tristan Taormino



It’s Lesbian Visibillity week, where we take a look at some of the most wonderful women who have shaped Feast of Fun over the course of 20 years. Just like no two people are alike, the relationships we develop in our lives will also be incredibly unique. Before open relationships became more acceptable in LGBTQ+ circles, sex-positive writer Tristan Taormino was helping pave the way for people to expand their minds to new kinds of relationships.We spoke to Tristan in 2008 about her new book “Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships” where she said a big factor in fufilling relationships was for people to defnine monogamy on their own terms, and that the best relationships complement each other instead of trying to meet each other halfway in everything.  
Please enjoy this encore presentation of “Ménage à How Many?” with Tristan Taormino as part of our celebration of Lesbian Visibility Week and the design I made that became the modern lesbian pride flag. FEATURED BOOK: