Weekly Economics Podcast

Are Robots Already Stealing Our Jobs?



Politicians and economists have increasingly been talking about the risks of a future where robots make all of our jobs obsolete. But is that future already upon us? And in the meantime, are big companies using technology to create 21st century workhouses with bad conditions and even worse pay? Joining Ayeisha this week are Stefan Baskerville, NEF's Principal Director for Unions and Business, and familiar faces Alice Martin and Annie Quick. — This is the last episode in our current series, but we'll be back soon! In the meantime, we always love to hear from you - tweet us your comments and questions @NEF! — Produced by James Shield. Programme editor for the New Economics Foundation is Huw Jordan. The award-winning Weekly Economics Podcast is brought to you by the New Economics Foundation – the UK's only people powered think tank. Find out more at www.neweconomics.org.