The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Make Seduction Great Again - MTP405



Co-Host Clifford Lee ( My guest is the most legendary curator of men's dating advice content, and certainly the OG impresario for men's PUA conferences. I'm talking about my returning guest Clifford Lee of Cliffslist fame, of course, who was certainly instrumental in the launch of my own career as a dating coach. Perhaps amazingly, even in the year 2024--a time when anyone under age 38 probably has no idea who Neil Strauss is--Cliff remains one of the top organizers of pickup and seduction content for men. To the shock of some, Cliff has never deviated from his commitment to publish the ideas and teachings of various different 'dating gurus', often resulting in a wide-ranging or even conflicting points of view. That makes him the perfect co-host for this particularly interesting discussion on what happened to the so-called 'Seduction Community', aka the 'Underground Society of Pickup Artists'. For the past decade or so, it's as if the idea of seduction itself has fall