Clare Fm - Podcasts

Clare Carer Calls For Medical "Gaslighting" Of Women To End



An award-winning Clare family carer is calling for the practice of medical gaslighting of women to be brought to an end. It follows the launch of the new €11 million phase of the Government's action plan for women's healthcare. Bringing the total women's health funding allocation since 2020 to over €140 million, the Women's Health Action Plan 2024-25 is aimed at expanding and developing priority initiatives as identified by the Women's Health Taskforce. This includes the expansion of the Free Contraception Scheme from 31 to 35 years, a renewed focus on women at midlife and older, increased capacity for endometriosis services, enhanced screening services and increased investment in Termination of Pregnancy services. Mental health services have been special given attention with the establishment of 11 Specialist Eating Disorder Teams, six multidisciplinary teams in perinatal mental health services, and perinatal midwife posts across 13 sites. 2022 Netwatch Clare Family Carer of the Year and Ennis resident,