Profitable Farmer

Episode 140 – Leadership lessons with Jim Gall - CEO RB Sellars



I have said before that there is so much we can learn from business leaders and entrepreneurs outside of our industry.    In this episode, I interview Jim Gall, now CEO of RB Sellars.    There is no doubt that RB Sellars has been established as an iconic brand across our landscape. Jim reminds us that success in business doesn’t happen overnight and that the strong position they have developed in the market has come from a leadership team with a clear focus. Focusing on a sustainable commitment to a consistent and high-quality product range with outstanding service has led the brand to where they are today.    Jim also reminds us of the importance of creating a culture of trust, creativity and innovation to inspire our teams to be actively in pursuit of continuous improvement.    He emphasises the importance of encouraging a culture of radical candour, where teams feel safe and empowered to speak their truth and contribute fully and openly at every opportunity.    Have you created a culture and focus like thi