The Brendon Show

Motivational Quotes: Standards, Free Space, Internal Guidance



“We all feel those immediate emotions of fear, upset, anger, sadness. But we have to make the choice to observe the things that are going right, to consciously give appreciation for the world and to keep perspective. The world is so good. There are so many opportunities available for us. Other people are wonderful and so are you. So let's be happy.” This motivational quotes episode contains powerful quotes on hunger, raising your standards, taking massive action, listening to your internal guidance and the power of creating space to breathe. On your path to peaceful productivity, consider this: “All this time you spend looking at, thinking about, and dreaming of other people's lives is only stealing away your own reverence and gratitude. Instead, be motivated and driven to architect your specific life.” Want that boost of motivation? These motivational quotes are the perfect way to elevate your mood and improve your day! Follow me on Instagram at @BrendonBurchard to watch me live and for more motivational