The Brendon Show

How to Let Go of Baggage



You'll never touch the rim of your potential if you're weighed down by baggage from your past. In this episode, learn how to honor the challenges you've faced and forgive who needs to be forgiven. This will allow you to release pain, frustration, and disappointment to prevent obstacles from appearing in the future. As you learn to let go of the past, consider this: “You have to be attentive and aware of the emotional weight you’ve accumulated over the years and decide to let those things go. It’s a difficult thing to do, but I promise it will change your life." If you're looking to release baggage and feel more free, this episode is for you! For coaching from Brendon and some of the best personal development experts in the world for less than $1 per day, visit: Get our HPX Supplement HERE: Get your High Performance Planner HERE: Subscribe to my YouTube vlog. New episodes (almost) weekly. Join 2 million subscribers on my weekly newsletter, FOUR