The Brendon Show

How to Push Through Your Threshold



We've all had moments where we feel like we're not reaching our full potential. So how do we create that comeback story in our lives? In this episode, learn how to push through your threshold and reach new heights. On your path to your next level, consider this: “If you're struggling in some areas of your life, I’m here to tell you this is normal. Stop hating yourself and beating yourself up, struggling is part of the human narrative. Now let's decide to turn that page and start a new story of progress today.” If you'd like to push through your comfort zone and reach that next level, this episode is for you! For coaching from Brendon and some of the best personal development experts in the world for less than $1 per day, visit: Get our HPX Supplement HERE: Get your High Performance Planner HERE: Subscribe to my YouTube vlog. New episodes (almost) weekly. Join 2 million subscribers on my weekly newsletter, FOUR BREAKTHROUGHS. Get a free copy of