Eat Blog Talk | Megan Porta

523: 5 Ways to Bring More Money Into Your Business (Part 2 of 3) (Mindset & Self-Care)



Are your thoughts about money generally positive or negative? Megan discusses the topic of money as energy as well as wealthy habits that will help increase our revenue. This is Part 2 of 3 about 5 ways to help us bring more money into our business. Our thoughts and beliefs influence our financial situation. Megan emphasizes this by exploring the importance of tracking and appreciating every penny earned and encouraging us to adopt wealthy habits and qualities, suggesting that creating a welcoming environment for money can lead to increased financial prosperity. She covers the following key points: - Money as Energy: Thoughts, beliefs, and actions influence the flow of wealth in your life. - Track and Appreciate Every Penny: Track every penny earned or found, and express gratitude for all forms of income, no matter how small. - Adopt Wealthy Habits and Qualities: What are the habits and qualities of wealthy individuals? Emulate these traits to attract abundance into your life. - Create a Welcoming Environment