ADHD Support Talk Radio

Avoidance: A different take on ADHD Struggles with Follow Through



In this episode of the ADHD Support Talk Radio podcast, co-host Lynne Edris takes a unique perspective on common struggles experienced by adults with ADHD, namely poor follow-through, procrastination, and avoidance. Lynne challenges the conventional view of procrastination as laziness or a character flaw and instead explores it as a behavioral habit born of a coping mechanism that has gone awry. This episode originally aired in April of 2021.  Lynne delves into the underlying reasons behind procrastination and avoidance, helping listeners understand the root causes of these behaviors. She emphasizes that individuals with ADHD often struggle with executive functioning, which can make it challenging to initiate tasks, sustain focus, and manage time effectively. Procrastination and avoidance, therefore, become maladaptive coping mechanisms that provide temporary relief from the anxiety and overwhelm associated with tasks. By reframing procrastination as a coping mechanism, Lynne helps listeners gain insight into