Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

Encore Episode: The Practical Health & Energy Benefits of Heart Coherence with Dr. Rollin McCraty



I am so excited to have my very special guest, Dr. Rollin McCraty, who is director of research for the HeartMath Institute, and a co-author of the book, Heart Intelligence; Connecting with the Heart's Intuitive Guidance for Effective Choices and Solutions. Rollin shares what heart coherence is and why it's so important, how incoherence disrupts sleep, the benefits of coherence, and so much more. Listen in as we cover the topics of what heart coherence is and why it's so important; Incoherence that can disrupt sleep; Benefits of coherence; Emotional regulation and its relation to coherence; Coherent and not peaceful versus being peaceful and coherent and How to be more productive without the rushed energy.