RIA Weekly

Episode 461: Not illegal, works as designed



This week, we discuss Redis Relicensing, Progress acquiring MariaDB and Microsoft unbundling Teams. Plus, Coté shares his Top 10 Tech and Productivity Wish List for regulators. Watch the YouTube Live Recording of Episode (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvLlXxJWlOE) 461 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvLlXxJWlOE) Runner-up Titles The Fork is a feature not a bug Relicensing: The path to Private Equity Is this Progress? Hot Antitrust Action Give it to Switzerland, they can hold our calendars Won’t someone think of the children? Cote’s airing of (Apple) grievances The deepest of pockets Fine-adjacent. Not complicated enough What’s it called when they plateau going down? Frankenstein Grand Theory of Open Source Business Models a large, wide portfolio of things that you’re vaguely aware of Mostly contrast Rundown Zuck Just Entered the Fediverse: Here’s What That Means (https://gizmodo.com/zuck-entered-fediverse-threads-heres-what-that-means-1851356849) Redis RIP Redis: How Garantia Data pulled off the biggest he