Saturday Live

Jo Wood



Jo Wood's first foray into the public eye was as a popular newspaper's "Face of 1972" aged 17. After 5 years working as a model she met Ronnie Wood and spent the next 30 years living the whirlwind rock and roll lifestyle of the Rolling Stones until her marriage came to an abrupt end. She has since reinvented herself, promoting an organic lifestyle and her passion for interiors and fashion. She joins Aasmah and Richard in the studio.We also have Mollie Hughes, a climber who became the youngest woman in the world to scale both the north and south sides of Mount Everest. Marcellus Baz won BBC Sport Unsung Hero award 2016 for his work in breaking the cycle of crime via boxing at his school in Nottingham. And actor Jim Carter, best known for playing butler Carson in Downton Abbey. He's interviewing other actors in a series at the Tricycle Theatre.We have the Inheritance Tracks of legendary DJ Tony Blackburn, who chooses Reet Petite by Jackie Wilson and I'm Still Waiting by Diana RossAnd for Holocaust Memorial Day,