Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

Real Estate Success with Healing Practices: Interview with Araceli Hernandez



Spiritual practices really help practical business people grow their businesses.  Araceli Hernandez is one such person.  She has grown her wealth through real estate investing and started a program teaching her process but geared toward women (and men) who are afraid of numbers.  Listen in as Araceli shares her wisdom and experience on growing your wealth. Transcript of Interview:AnastasiaHave you ever wondered about real estate investing? Has it seemed too complicated or costly to you? Are you afraid to even consider it? My next guest can put your fears to rest, so stay tuned to hear more. Right now you're listening to scientific healing with Dr. Anastasia Chopelas. I know the power of vibrational healing by combining quantum physics with ancient healing arts to develop my own system that has amplified results for hundreds of my clients in healing students. Discover the simple steps you need to take when working as a healer or a coach to maintain your energy as