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Going To The Library(去图书馆)



Going to the Library去图书馆The library is a great place to visit for help with school work,and for fun.图书馆是一个做作业和享受时间的好地方。You can go to your library,and there will always be someone there to help you find what you want.你可以去图书馆,总会有人帮你找到你想要的书。That person is a librarian.那个人就是图书管理员。You can ask your librarian to help you find books about any subject that interests you.你可以让图书管理员帮你找到任何你感兴趣的学科的相关书籍。Libraries have books about everything from airplanes to zebras.图书馆里有各种各样的书,从飞机到斑马,应有尽有。If you like to read fiction,your librarian can suggest adventure books,fantasy books,and much more.如果你喜欢看小说,图书管理员会向你推荐惊险小说、幻想小说以及其他类型的小说。If you are having a hard time finding an answer to a question,ask your librarian to help you find the answer.如果你很难找到一个问题的答案,可以去向图书管理员寻求帮助。Your librarian can help you locate information in magazines,newspaper articles,and on the computer.图书管理员可以帮助你在杂志、报纸文章和电脑上找到相关信息。Libraries are also great places to go if you want a quiet place to read or study.如果你想要一个安静的地方阅读或学习,图书馆是个好去处。They have areas with cozy chairs wh