Tierra 100

A Pleasant Tale(一个讨人喜欢的传说)



A Pleasant Tale一个讨人喜欢的传说The king had made a law.国王制定了一项法律。The people of the town had to be pleasant to the princess.镇上的人必须对公主友好。Each day,the princess stood on the castle wall so everyone could be pleasant to her.每天,公主都站在城墙上,这样每个人就能有机会对她表示友好。And each day,a few people looked up pleasantly.每天只有几个人友好地抬头看公主。No one waved or smiled.没有人向公主挥手或者微笑。This made the princess sad and mad.这让公主伤心又生气。One day,she noticed a market girl in the marketplace.有一天,她注意到市场上有个卖货的女孩。The market girl waved and everyone she met waved back to her.女孩向看到的人挥手示意,别人也向她挥手。They smiled.They looked pleasant.他们向她微笑,看起来很友好。The princess had the girl brought to the castle.公主命人把女孩带到城堡里。“Why do people wave and smile at you?Why are they pleasant?”demanded the princess.公主质问道:“为什么人们向你挥手微笑?为什么他们对你很友好?”The market girl thought this was a silly question.卖货的女孩认为这是个愚蠢的问题。“Perhaps it is because I wave and smile at them,”she said pleasantly.“也许是因为我向他们挥手微笑,”她友好地说。The next day,the princess stood on the castle wall and waved.第二天,公主站在城墙上挥手。She even smiled.她甚至微笑了。Down in th