Westminster Presbyterian Sumter

Don't Grieve the Spirit (Eph 4:25-32)



Join Pastor Stuart for the sixth lesson in our series, Let's Get Spiritual. This week, we turn to the Apostle Paul's Letter to the Ephesians 4:25-32 for a grace-filled admonishment that we . . . "Don't Grieve the Spirit". In this lesson, we see: Do not grieve the Holy Spirit. The fact that the Spirit can be grieved indicates he is personal. How do we grieve the Spirit? Because the Spirit is holy (that is, set apart from sin), there is a sense in which all sin is grievous to him. More specifically, willful, rebellious attitudes and behavior grieve the Spirit. Even more specifically, relational sins that affect the church community grieve the Spirit. Because we are sealed by the Spirit for the day of redemption won for us by Christ, we desire to refrain from grieving him. Therefore, we ought to . . . Watch our attitude. Seek relational shalom – especially in the church community. Be quick to repent of sin. In all things, rely on the Spirit. So, let’s keep in step with the Spirit as we willingly submit to his