Mugglecast: The Harry Potter Podcast

599: Dumby's Back, Tell a Friend (Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 18)



In this week's episode, Harry and Ron rack up substantial points for Gryffindor, and Dobby is freed! It's the final Chapter-by-Chapter segment of our read-through of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets with Andrew, Eric, Laura and our social media manager Chloé! Eric tries desperately to up Dumbledore's Lie Count, but Andrew isn't having it. Finally, Quizzitch looks ahead to the third book, which we will be starting in a few weeks' time! We revisit last week's topic of inter-Horcrux communication, with quotes from the later books. Main Discussion: Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 18: Dobby's Reward 7-Word Summary: Harry accepts Dumbledore’s comforting advice on Voldemort Dumbledore is back! But unlike last year, he did not save Harry beneath the school. How much does the headmaster really know about the events of the past year? Who are his sources regarding Voldemort's current location? Is what happened in the Chamber a perfect recruiting opportunity for DD of Molly and Arthur? Dumbledore pays Voldem