Mugglecast: The Harry Potter Podcast

604: Call Me Neville (POA Chapter 3, The Knight Bus)



On this week's episode, Harry is saved by a (violently purple) knight in shining car wax as the Knight Bus whisks him away to London, where Uncle Cornelius pats him on the back and tells him everything is fine. Join Andrew, Laura, Eric and Micah as they dive into Chapter 3 of Prisoner of Azkaban, The Knight Bus! This week the hosts provide alternative identities to help them escape detection... Main Discussion: Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 3: The Knight Bus 7-Word Summary: Help arrives for Harry after an encounter Harry's frustration and short-sightedness mirrors our own in times of stress. Do we relate to Harry following his incident with Aunt Marge? Andrew has a full tally of all the times Harry thinks he is about to be expelled. It's higher than our Dumbledore Lie Count :'( We ask again, just why was Sirius Black not given a full trial? Is Dumbledore, or the government, to blame? Laura reminisces about an old campaign asking readers if they spotted The Grim. We ask, What If? Sirius had introduce