Straight Talk With Sandra Reich

The Pitfalls of Being Judgmental



Most of us would accept the idea that being judgmental and self-righteous is damaging. No one really likes to be around a person who is constantly critical. And, yet, we all seem to struggle with doing it on some level. We form judgements all the time. Need convinced? Perhaps you’ve given an internal eyeroll to any of these situations: the mom with the out-of-control toddler in Target, the teen who just got expelled from school, the co-worker who is chronically late coming back from lunch, the friend who let you down by not being there, etc. We know this kind of self-righteous thinking is unfair to others. But, what if we told that it’s also dangerous for YOU! Listen in as Georgia and Sandra talk about how being judgmental is destroying you from the inside out. But, don't despair - we have ideas for overcoming this tendency!