Center For Tranquility

Why Earth? Why Now?



Why Earth? Why Now? Most of us will at sometime ask this question. We may ask it as a child. Or maybe we will ask later in life when we become involved in an experience that brings us to our knees. Some of use just enjoy contemplating philosophical questions with no intent of solving the riddle. No matter the how, we will seek an answer for this until we find an idea or answer that works for us in our timing. Life on earth is not accidental. None of us ended up on earth because of some fate or random event in which we were powerless over. You, me, everyone: we came here on purpose and by choice. To understand life on earth, we will need to understand death. Is it possible for a spirit or energy to die or be destroyed? Why would I as a free spirit in the universe decide to come to planet earth? How could I as a powerful eternal soul benefit from landing on this rock. Let's explore what, I as spirit, am getting out of this experience.