In China With Michelle Zou

How to Seize the Healthcare Opportunities China?



We've talked about China’s healthcare market opportunities in the previous episodes, some audience are interested in how to seize these opportunities. For example, if you are a manufacturer of medical products, who should you work with to market and sell to Chinese customers? What kind of partnership should you look for in China? What is the process for your medical products to register and be distributed in China? In this episode, I will discuss these questions with Christina Zhao, Founder of two companies, Pharmed and Polycare, to understand from the agent and distributor side, how they have been helping worldwide manufacturers sell into China over the past decade. Her perspectives and experience from starting as a distributor inside China for foreign manufacturers, to becoming a source agent to introduce worldwide products to China, and to becoming an investor to develop and manufacture medical products for Chinese customers, will be informative to you.