In China With Michelle Zou

Bring Your Ideas Live Through Chinese Manufacturers



As the world’s manufacturer, China has been the place where many consumer products are being produced. From “Made in China”, to “Made by China”, China has gone through a journey from using its cheap labor and materials to manufacture products designed and branded by overseas companies, to having an end-to-end ecosystem to design, produce and sell its own branded products. Jacob Rothman, an American living in China has evolved his career along with China’s path. He started his trading business in China 15 years ago to source products, then changed to own a factory, and advanced to build a platform to help startups and crowdfunding campaigns to design, engineer, and manufacture innovative consumer goods. If you have an idea and you don’t have experience in industrial design, engineering or manufacturing, where can you go to turn your idea into a real product? Jacob’s Platform88 might be the kind of place you want to check it out.