In China With Michelle Zou

Blockchain and China



Blockchain technology is one of the new technologies that will build a new game-leading advantage, cited in China’s 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020). On the other hand, in 2018, China government has banned trading via cryptocurrencies (ICOs) in China and closed cryptocurrency exchanges operations in China. In short, China is taking a “Blockchain not Bitcoin” strategy. The fact is, Blockchain startups have been hot in China in the recent years. According a report published in November 2018 by, Beijing alone has 275 blockchain companies, and Shanghai also has over 100 companies. So, how to make sense of China’s Blockchain strategy? What is the impact it will bring to our economy and lives? Listen to Blockchain expert, founder and CEO of Adgetec Corporation, Mark Mueller-Eberstein, share his thoughts about Blockchain and China.